This is to the humans that still get notified when I post on this blog that seemly has been in a coma.
I would like to you inform you that Muse have breathed life back into my soul and there is no longer a reason to pull the plug. I am ready to share with you again the insights and struggles that have influenced my life these past years. Though I will tell you that my writing style has lost some of its grace. For I am unpracticed and far less immersed in this aspect of my life. I have hopes that the present reflects the past and you will be able to yet again see my passion and skill level for writing grow.
I would like to take this opportunity to give you the knowledge that I do in fact have dyslexia. I do know that it have been prevalent all threw out this blog. I do not regularly have my posts proof read before I publish them. That being said I have plans on having this post read by other eyes before it goes public.
If you are still interested in sticking around on this flight. To a destination unknown yet filled with aspirations. If you peruse the feathers as they get placed in my wings. Then you may expect to find the songs of a bird that was recently released from a mental confinements and is still gliding unfamiliar amongst currents of freedom, self motivation, and personal responsibility.
I cordially invite you alone this journey of self-discovery.