
The Latest and Greatest

Friday, January 31, 2014

Human: The Original Species

                                                                   I did not
                                                          want to use emotion
                                                         to prove our humanity.
                                                     I think the thing that makes
                                                    us human is the need to have
                                                       something like us. I see
                                                         this so often. An example
                                                            is owners of pets.
                                                 They constantly think that their animals
                                               can understand them. They are giving
                      their                  pets human characteristics.   Look at 
                     all aliens            they look almost human but   they just 
                       lack a             few of  the limbs of us humans  or  we
                           give            a girl     a flipper and call her   a mermaid.
                              Why      do we     want to see our kind    in ever-
                                 ything? Is it       because we feel alone?     No   I
                                    think it is        because it thrills us     to have
                                        some-            thing like us. I know     that if I
                                                        could talk with my cat   I would
                                                        be estatik (even if my    cat wouldn't
                                                         give me the time of day)    They're
                                                         plenty of more examples.   Why do
                                                         I see faces  in cars or    houses?
                                                        Is it because   we as humans    want a
                                                       relationship    with   our   homes?
                                                      I think it is         because   we are
                                                     looking for          faces in
                                                     anything.              In   my
                                                     opinion                the best
                                                    monster                 we have
                                                    is   the                     zombie.
                                                    It looks                   exactly
                                                    like us                     the only
                                                    differences                          are; missing
                                                   skin and                   and the 
                                                   want to                    eat living
                                                   humans.                    No  big 
                                                    deal.                        Some of
                                                the best movies use this. There is a 
                                           movie where a fish is trying to find his son.
                              This movie would most likely not found it's way into as many 
              homes as it did if the all the animals in the movie could not speak. I know that this
would not have been half as interesting as it was had I not put these words in the shape of a Human.


  1. You're an Artist. Beautifully written and designed.

  2. So this is the coolest post I've ever seen.

  3. ahh this is way cool, i've never thought of this concept before!

    1. Before this prompt I hadn't ether. Why would I want to think about this?

  4. I guess this is pretty sweet. yeah it's unreal.

  5. "We are looking for faces in anything." You've definitely made my steal like an artist page.

  6. Nicely done. Why DO we want to see our kind in everything?

  7. That's soooo cool! I really like where you said I think the thing that makes us human is the need to have something like us. I think that is very true :)
