
The Latest and Greatest

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Something To Be Proud Of

  Today is the one year anniversary of the day I found out I could write. I can thank two people for me being in this class, Kirsten Cannon and Danae Devey. These two people are the ones that I accidentally sent a poem to. I had just getting home from choir tour and was texting Kirsten. Kirsten then asked me what my favorite thing was about tour. I told Kirsten that There were many things that I liked and on of them was wind. Kirsten asked why wind. And I responded with this...

                  The reason why the wind was one of my favorite things is because
               wind is what greeted me when I got out of the airport in New York. 
               Wind was there when I left the hotel and got my breakfast every morning. 
               When the subway comes it goes so fast that it makes its own wind. At one 
               point the wind made it harder to hear yet easier to think. Wind was the 
               reason the hotel swayed back and forth. The way the wind felt on my tired
               face each night I went back to the hotel. The way the (awesome) snow ,as 
               it was blown by the wind, felt on my face. And the way the wind reminded
               me that it was strong enough to push me from the sidewalk.

  I then started to texting Danae. Then our conversation stared going the same way as Kirsten and mine had gone. I then sent Danae that bunch of words. That's all they were to me. Danae then told me that it it was really good. I then contradicted everything that Danae was saying. For I was in denial and I was liking the compliments. She took me that I should post it online. It took me four months for get enough confident to do as Danae had asked me to do. 

   Kirsten then helped me make my schedule for this year. I told Kirsten that I wanted to be in this class but didn't think that I was good enough writer. Kirsten then took the mouse and click on the class. I am so grateful to have these two people in my life to have inspired me. Consider this a thank you.

    - Feathers On Fish


  1. after reading the wind part I feel like we would get along. I find the most happiness in the simplest randomest things.

  2. The poem-not-poem about wind is beautiful; especaially because I hate the wind. It makes me feel bad for hating it so much.
